The BiPAP Auto SV Advanced System One is a very versatile BIPAP machine. This unit is primarily designed for treatment of complex sleep apnea, central sleep apnea and/or Cheynes Stokes breathing. It can be used as a Spontaneous (S) or Spontaneous/Timed (S/T) BiPAP or deliver Servo Ventilation.
This device has Bi-Flex that is a comfort feature making the transition between the two pressures more comfortable.
The Encore Pro software and SD card allows for downloading of the machine and will report in depth data from its advanced event detection for the previous 7 days while recording extensive machine usage. Plus breath by breath data showing event scored pressure and flow signals.
EPAP min and EPAP max: 4-20cmH20
Pressure Support min and Pressure Support max: 0-21cmH20
Max Pressure: 25cmH20
Back Up Rate: Off, Auto, 4-30BPM
Ti: 0-3.0sec
DC compatible
Quiet unit which is less than 27Db
Bi Flex settings: 1-3
Rise time settings: 100-600ms
Ramp feature: 0-45 minutes
System One Humidifier adjusts to the relative humidity and room temperature to prevent condensation
Leak compensation
SD card – on board memory for download and reports Cheyne stokes breathing, clear/obstructive airway apneas and hypopneas, snoring and leakage levels.
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